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Sunset at the Beach

Emotional Harmony Tools

For: Individuals and Groups

DISC Personality

Keys To Awareness and Empowerment
Lunch and Learn


John Maxwell Dominant Influencer Steady Compliant (DISC) Personality Indicator Report provides insight into key DISC areas. The accompanying application guide offers guidance as you move into new levels of awareness and growth.

Keys To Awareness and Empowerment Lunch and Learn, focuses on helping you to gain insight into the underlying causes of learned thoughts and behaviors, interpretation of verbal and non verbal communication, and develop an ethical, positive, solution based mindset.


We help to identify the core issues that are having a negative impacting on life, and work to plan and develop strategies that create the life desired.

Relationship sessions focuses on defining positive connection, trust, support and value, to establish, and maintain ideal relationships.


I work with my clients to identify the causes of reoccurring challenges personal/professional, and provide tools to improve connection, good communication, commitment, and reliability. My goal is to help individuals heal from unhealthy relationships, and create positive personal and professional relationships.

Me and My Family Support Group 

I'm Not Alone Support 

Self - Care

The Me and My Family Group is designed to help families cultivate greater harmony and peace.


Through meaningful conversations and activities, we will provide families a safe space, to reveal hurts, learn how to receive and respond to high emotions, and  create supportive environment for all family members.

Helps individuals and teams navigate their way through difficult times.


Through our programs, we provide the tools and support needed to help the individual or team find peace, joy, gratitude and value in the midst of personal and professional stress, fatigue and anxiety. Join us today and start your journey to a more positive and fulfilling life.

Our Development Coach offers a unique self-care service to help individuals take control of their lives and tap into their inner power. Through our self-care program, we provide personalized strategies and resources to help our clients feel empowered and inspired to make positive life changes. Our goal is to help you create a more balanced, fulfilled life.

Sunset at the Beach

Our Emotional Harmony Tools

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